Monday, August 26, 2024

 The Times, They Are A-Changin’... 🕰️🏠

Steve and Channing and their four children have called their Frisco home, which we helped them find, a perfect haven for several years. It’s been a place filled with love, growth, and the values they hold dear—faith, family, and community.

But as life often does, things began to shift. Their home met all their needs, but something was missing—it didn’t fulfill all their wants. Steve and Channing started to dream of more. They envisioned a larger backyard, a place where not just their children but other kids their children call friends could gather and create lasting memories. They wanted a home that could be the hub for their growing family’s life.

As Steve’s career flourished, exceeding even his own expectations, and their involvement in their church deepened, it became clear—times were changing, and so were they.

🔄 Change is a constant, and with it, our desires evolve. Many homeowners find themselves in a similar position, where their current home meets their needs but doesn’t quite satisfy their newfound wants. This is where the concept of self-actualization within the Client Hierarchy comes into play.

Steve reached out to me with a vision of where they wanted to be, but he trusted me to guide them. Their wish list this time? It was all about wants—a super large backyard, space for a pool and spa, and a place where their children could flourish at home.

As a real estate agent, it’s essential to observe and understand when clients transition from focusing on needs to embracing their awakened wants. Steve and Channing were prime examples of top-tier clients in our Client Hierarchy—clients who are growing, evolving, and ready to realize their dreams.

📚 In my book, The Architecture of the Real Estate Practice, I delve into concepts like self-actualization and the Client Hierarchy:

“The Client Hierarchy is utilized for this purpose. It guides the Agent and the Practice on where critical resources should be concentrated. It identifies the clients most likely to do the most business with the Practice and gives them the attention they expect and deserve (The Treatment Grid). It provides a mechanism for allocating resources to the highest probability accounts and away from the accounts that utilize valuable Practice resources but do not contribute greatly to the revenues and profits. At the same time, it provides enough attention and resources to protect the lesser probability accounts so that when they have higher potential, they are protected against competitive efforts in the future.”

 When Steve called, we were ready to help them embrace the changes in their lives and find a new home that would meet their needs and fulfill their deepest wants.

👉 Most people think real estate agents just sell homes, but the truth is, great agents help clients navigate life’s transitions—like knowing when it’s time to move on and realize that times and wants are changing.

For more insights and to explore how we can help you realize your real estate dreams, visit and Don’t forget to check out our videos on YouTube @AREP2023 for more teachings and insights! 🎥

#RealEstateJourney #ClientFirst #SelfActualization #DreamHome #ChangingTime

Monday, August 19, 2024

 Building the Dream! A Story About Fulfillment

Andy and Kimberly had reached a point in their lives together where their basic needs were met, and they were looking forward to a life where they could pursue their self-actualization goals. (See Maslow's Theory of Motivation.) Those goals included spending time with family, relaxing, and enjoying their hobbies and church. For Andy, his hobby was most centered on having a wood shop in the garage that met his needs so that he could enjoy building things and using his excellent carpentry skills to create.

As I write in my book, The Architecture of the Real Estate Practice, an agent must be careful not to project their ideas about what is good and what is not on their clients. I couldn’t build a simple table and had no skills in the areas that Andy was a master. I wasn’t particularly interested in woodshops. Most importantly, I needed to take the time to understand what was important to them and put that first in all my dealings with them. As I write in my book,

“Clients at the self-actualization stage tend to be fully aware of their need for satisfaction. They tend to be less concerned about other needs as they have already met those needs and are more concerned about realizing their potential.

Maslow is reported to have said, "What a man can be, he must be," Maslow explained this when referring to the need for people to achieve their full potential as human beings. This may be described as utilizing talents, capabilities, and potentialities and realizing the satisfaction of reaching that point of achievement in their lives. Said another way, they could be ready to enjoy just living and experiencing rather than working to achieve other things less important to them at the time.”

With Andy and Kimberly, it was all about finding a home with a suitable garage, being close to their children, and providing a comfortable backyard for backyard outings with grandchildren. As we began our search for the right home for them, there was a limited supply of homes on the market, but after about two weeks, a house came on the market that seemed to be the perfect fit for them.

We toured the home, and Andy spent most of his time looking at the garage. While the home was mostly what they wanted, it certainly wasn’t the perfect home. It was close to the children, Zeke and Jasmine, which meant spending lots of time with the two grandchildren. Andy was a tall, strong, incredibly fit man who was serious about religion, family, and carpentry. After some discussion, they decided, and we were on our way to writing an offer.

People who know what they want and are willing to focus on the big goals find it easier to find a home and make it work for them. This was the case with Andy and Kimberly. While the seller was responsive, they didn’t get everything they wanted, as it mainly was a Seller’s market at the time. But Andy and Kimberly reacted in a “fairness doctrine” mode, and we were able to secure the home.

Soon, Andy began building out his garage to meet his dream goals. One day, about four months after they moved in, I dropped by to visit, and Andy proudly asked me to look at his shop (garage). I took the time to listen to Andy and, for most of the time, did not understand half of what he told me as it involved special saws, drills, and other equipment. I listened carefully as he beamed, telling me everything he could build in his new shop. Time with clients is essential. The most valuable gift an agent can give to a client is their time and attention.

Several years later, Andy would confide in me that he was ready for a new challenge and asked me to help him find a new position to return to work. He was getting bored and wanted to use his many skills in other ways. I was pleased to help him by providing ideas and suggestions for work he could do in the real estate and related industries. Andy trusted me, and I admired him. Achieving a stage of Self-Actualization sometimes doesn’t last. It is not unusual for people to evolve and find new endeavors that will challenge their creativity and intellect.

There was no doubt that Andy and Kimberly were

“Raving Fans” and the family connection and great relationships forged with the family were richly rewarding—more rewarding than the compensation we earned. Money comes and goes, but long-term relationships provide value beyond financial measure.

Our relationship with this family continued to grow. In my next blog, we will return to Steve and Channing, who connected us to this wonderful family, and see what change looks like in a large family that has evolved and needs help navigating the roads ahead.

Monday, August 12, 2024


🚀 From One Happy Client to a Growing Network of Clients: A Success Story 🏡

Steve and Channing's satisfaction with the home and services we provided brought them value and sparked a chain of business that continues to thrive. Their introduction of Zeke, who purchased a home with his wife Jasmine and referred us to his parents, Andy and Kimberly, is a testament to the power of a satisfied client's referral. 🌟

Steve and Channing, now proud Frisco residents with four children, became “Raving Fans.” In our Client Management Program, we connected with them regularly, offering the attention and care our P1 Clients deserve, guided by our Client Treatment Grid. Our marketing system was firing on all cylinders, and Steve even promised to refer more new hires as his company expanded. His testimonial was so positive that we featured it in our marketing efforts, on our website, and in targeted ads to our “Target Markets”. 🎯 Architecture of the Real Estate Practice (AREP) | educational material to create a thriving business (

However, we did have one concern. Steve and Channing were deeply involved in their church, and we knew we had to be mindful of other agents in their community who could become close friends and potential competitors. Our strategy? Continue delivering top-notch service and sticking to our communication plan. As I mention in my book, The Architecture of the Real Estate Practice:

“The Practice must protect all Clients in the Practice to ensure that they are not lost due to competitor efforts to attract them. Client Retention is essential for the Agent to always keep in mind when funding tactical plans that expend resources. The Clients are always deemed to be at risk, and the Practice must implement tactics to assure client loyalty and retention. Clients move up and down within the hierarchy. Still, the Agent tries to ensure that they are not lost and only removed from the Client list when the Agent believes they no longer have potential, or it is apparent that they are lost to a competitor or lost for another reason. They are moved out of the hierarchy and coded as a “Lost Account” in the CRM when this happens to keep their information but eliminate any resource expenditure being targeted toward them going forward.”

Steve and Jasmine were truly Raving Fans, and our relationship with them led to even more opportunities. When I reached out to Zeke’s father, Andy, I was in for a pleasant surprise. Andy had clear goals: he needed a large garage for his hobby, and his wife Kimberly wanted a modest home with at least four bedrooms to accommodate their large family. With eight siblings, family life and church were central to their lives. 🏠 Real Estate Brokerage -

Andy and I clicked right away. He was older than me, but we shared common ground—family, faith, and values. Kimberly was a devoted mom and grandmother, and their needs aligned perfectly with what Judi and I value. We knew they would be fantastic clients, and I’m excited to share more about finding their perfect home in my next blog.

📅 Stay tuned for next Monday’s post! Visit my YouTube channel @AREP2023

#RealEstateSuccess #ClientRelationships #HomeBuyingJourney #FriscoLiving #RavingFans #RealEstatePractice #SonnyBlog #Blogger #SonnyMoyers

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


When Magic Happens: My Website

The Key to Real Estate Success

The journey to success in real estate is often filled with opportunities, and sometimes, it takes time to see maps to success. However, when you have a client who is not only a "Raving Fan" but also a "Connector" who actively promotes your services to others, magic happens. It's crucial to be available and reachable at all times to seize these magical moments when they occur. Your accessibility can make all the difference in turning potential opportunities into successful outcomes.

My first contact with Zeke showed me just how powerfully influential Steve was. Zeke was ready for my call and immediately accepted a request for a conference call with him and Jasmine. We didn’t spend much time on the phone as he was busy preparing for the new position.

My conference call with Zeke and Jasmine was about their needs, wants, family, jobs, and primary goals for the future. Very little was said about me and our team. There were a few questions, but I had already sent our “Finding a Home Guidebook” that we had written to them before the call. By focusing primarily on Zeke and Jasmine, I was able to underscore the significance of their needs and goals. This approach immediately established their importance and my commitment to serving them.

After the forty-five-minute call, I began preparing for their visit. We agreed to meet at my office, and upon arrival, I introduced them to our entire team. Once we were all ready, we began our tour. It didn’t take long for me to realize that Zeke, like Steve, was a Connector. In my book, "The Architecture of the Real Estate Practice," I write about Connectors and their importance. Here is a brief excerpt:

“When Magic Happens: The road to success for an agent is sometimes littered with lost opportunities. When a client who is a “Raving Fan” is also a “Connector” who reaches out to others, Magic Happens. You must be available and reachable when that magic happens.” Architecture of the Real Estate Practice (AREP) | educational material to create a thriving business (

Zeke and Jasmine found a home on the second day that was perfect for them. The process, as we advanced, was smooth but filled with the everyday stresses of dealing with repairs and settling on who would pay for those repairs. We got through it all, and Zeke and Jasmine were very happy. They demonstrated this by writing us a very lovely Testimonial Letter. As I write about in my book, when clients put their positive thoughts into writing, they affirm their belief in you. In our case, it was clear that Zeke and Jasmine were “Raving Fans.” I attached the testimonial to a gift card that I sent to Steve and Channing. The gift card was only $50, but the thought of the card and testimonial letter from Zeke to us made sure that Steve continued to be a Raving Fan.

Six to eight months after closing, I made a follow-up, stay-in-touch call with Jasmine. She indicated she was looking for a part-time position and wondered if I had any ideas. We discussed various options, and I connected her with a local newspaper, where she found a position that fit her requirements. By helping Jasmine in this fashion, I demonstrated the value of maintaining a relationship with me after closing. This is how I describe creating a relationship that will survive closing. This further positioned me as their agent and friend, as I received nothing in consideration for the referral to the media organization.

We updated Zeke and Jasmine in our CRM. After closing, Zeke mentioned his parents, who might be moving in the future, to be close to Zeke and Jasmine’s children. Andy and Kimberly were added to the CRM and linked to Zeke and Jasmine.

Why did Steve refer a team member to us? He believed in us and wanted to share his good fortune with his new team member. He did something good for Zeke and rewarded us for our outstanding service. People want to help great agents who put them first.

Want to see me on YouTube? @AREP2023.

Stay tuned for the next episode about Zeke and Jasmine, Andy and Kimberly, and the road to Real Estate Success by Sonny on Blogger for more stories and nuggets of gold!

#RealEstateSuccess #ClientFirst #Professionalism #RealEstateTips #RavingFans #ConsultativeSelling #TransparencyMatters #SonnyMoyers #BlogonBlogger #RenaissanceGroup

Sunday, August 4, 2024


🏡 Discover Your Dream Home at 801 Quiet Oak Lane, Prosper, TX 75078! 🏡 See more on MLS:

Offered by Sonny Moyers, REALTOR® of The Renaissance Group. For sale at $636,000.

Explore these fantastic local attractions:
🌳 Frontier Park: Located in Prosper, it's perfect for families with playgrounds, sports fields, and picnic areas. Enjoy a leisurely day out with kids amidst beautiful natural surroundings.
🛍️ The Gates of Prosper Shopping Center: A variety of retail options, dining, and entertainment facilities make it a one-stop destination for all your needs.
🎮 National Videogame Museum: Just a short drive to Frisco, this museum is a must-visit for gaming enthusiasts with interactive exhibits and a comprehensive history of video games.
💦 Safari Canyon Waterpark: Located in McKinney, it offers water attractions like body slides, a lazy river, and a kiddie area. Cool off during hot Texas summers!
🌿 Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary: Also in McKinney, it features miles of walking trails through different habitats and educational exhibits for nature lovers.
⚽ Toyota Stadium: In Frisco, this venue hosts various sports events and concerts. Enjoy a soccer game or a live performance!
🍷 Caudalie Crest Winery and Eden Hill Winery & Vineyard: Near Prosper, these wineries offer tastings, tours, and beautiful vineyard views with live music and events.
⛳ Monster Mini Golf: Located in Frisco, it provides a unique glow-in-the-dark mini golf experience along with other attractions like a laser maze and arcade games.
🌺 Dallas Arboretum & Botanical Gardens: Within 30 miles of Prosper, it offers beautiful gardens and seasonal exhibits. Perfect for a peaceful stroll in nature.
🏛️ The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza: In Dallas, this museum covers the events surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. A deeply informative and moving experience for history buffs.

These activities and destinations offer a range of options for entertainment, relaxation, and education, all within a convenient distance from 801 Quiet Oak Lane, Prosper, TX.

See more on MLS:

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  "I thought that we were fine..." 🌟                          we already have everything? Steve had these thoughts running throu...