Monday, August 26, 2024

 The Times, They Are A-Changin’... 🕰️🏠

Steve and Channing and their four children have called their Frisco home, which we helped them find, a perfect haven for several years. It’s been a place filled with love, growth, and the values they hold dear—faith, family, and community.

But as life often does, things began to shift. Their home met all their needs, but something was missing—it didn’t fulfill all their wants. Steve and Channing started to dream of more. They envisioned a larger backyard, a place where not just their children but other kids their children call friends could gather and create lasting memories. They wanted a home that could be the hub for their growing family’s life.

As Steve’s career flourished, exceeding even his own expectations, and their involvement in their church deepened, it became clear—times were changing, and so were they.

🔄 Change is a constant, and with it, our desires evolve. Many homeowners find themselves in a similar position, where their current home meets their needs but doesn’t quite satisfy their newfound wants. This is where the concept of self-actualization within the Client Hierarchy comes into play.

Steve reached out to me with a vision of where they wanted to be, but he trusted me to guide them. Their wish list this time? It was all about wants—a super large backyard, space for a pool and spa, and a place where their children could flourish at home.

As a real estate agent, it’s essential to observe and understand when clients transition from focusing on needs to embracing their awakened wants. Steve and Channing were prime examples of top-tier clients in our Client Hierarchy—clients who are growing, evolving, and ready to realize their dreams.

📚 In my book, The Architecture of the Real Estate Practice, I delve into concepts like self-actualization and the Client Hierarchy:

“The Client Hierarchy is utilized for this purpose. It guides the Agent and the Practice on where critical resources should be concentrated. It identifies the clients most likely to do the most business with the Practice and gives them the attention they expect and deserve (The Treatment Grid). It provides a mechanism for allocating resources to the highest probability accounts and away from the accounts that utilize valuable Practice resources but do not contribute greatly to the revenues and profits. At the same time, it provides enough attention and resources to protect the lesser probability accounts so that when they have higher potential, they are protected against competitive efforts in the future.”

 When Steve called, we were ready to help them embrace the changes in their lives and find a new home that would meet their needs and fulfill their deepest wants.

👉 Most people think real estate agents just sell homes, but the truth is, great agents help clients navigate life’s transitions—like knowing when it’s time to move on and realize that times and wants are changing.

For more insights and to explore how we can help you realize your real estate dreams, visit and Don’t forget to check out our videos on YouTube @AREP2023 for more teachings and insights! 🎥

#RealEstateJourney #ClientFirst #SelfActualization #DreamHome #ChangingTime

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