Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Marketing Theory & Learning Concepts

The following excerpt is taken from my book, The Architecture of the Real Estate Practice. 

"There are many options when considering how a real estate Practice communicates with its target audiences. An artist combines paints of different colors to create a palette and original artwork, and the varied colors make the piece memorable or different. Different types and amounts of various marketing communication methods are selected to achieve the best mixture of contact methods and content that will produce the desired results. The marketing communications method selected for every target audience attempts to produce satisfactory results for the Agent. This mixture of contact methods could be different depending on the makeup of the target audiences. Choosing the appropriate messages and various contact types requires study, research, experimentation, and considering the likely reaction of the target group recipients.

How does an Agent cause an audience member to take action that results in a relationship? Does this happen by accident or strategy? Exploring how to motivate people to reach out and contact an Agent is essential for long-term Agent success. Learning more about what makes people listen, see, and remember is a central theme of this chapter.

A book about learning concepts provides some fascinating insight. Jeanne Ellis Ormrod wrote Human Learning. She writes,

“A behavior that is followed by a satisfying state of affairs (a reward) is more likely to increase frequency than a behavior not followed by a reward.” (2012, p. 5)

Going on, Ormrod also writes,

“People learn what they pay attention to. A reward increases learning when it makes people pay attention to the information to be learned.” (2012, p. 5)

The agent's communications with the target audience must produce results that the audience can see. The Agent must create engaging content that can be communicated to the target audience to generate interest and cause them to see the information as a “reward” or something that “satisfies them. Communication from a unique agent has value, and providing a reward will teach the target audience to pay attention to the Agent as a source of information resulting in a satisfying situation for the target audience members."

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