Saturday, January 27, 2024

 The "Invitation to Present

🎙️ In a recent Podcast with Vince Warnock, //   I delved into "The Invitation to Present." 📚 This concept also takes center stage in my new book, "The Architecture of the Real Estate Practice." #InvitationToPresent #Communication

This concept holds immense significance in all conversations. Whether or not you intend to showcase your offerings, the key is to resist the urge to sell and focus on active listening. 🤫 Putting the spotlight on the person you're conversing with will often lead them to invite you to share what you do, sell, or promote. It's a skill that requires discipline and, well, some pretty sizable "elephant ears" and a teensy-weensy mouth. 🐘👂👄 Envisioning yourself with oversized ears and a petite mouth helps you resist the urge to dominate the conversation and keeps it centered on the other party.

Here's a snippet from my book: 📖

🗣️ "Being Invited to Present is a Cue The 'Invitation to Present' concept is vital in various situations. Many folks aren't receptive to a sales pitch unless they extend an invitation for the other party to present their message. For instance, salespeople should wait for a potential client to request a presentation of their product or service. Initiating the conversation without an invitation might result in the potential client being less engaged and attentive. When an invitation is extended, they approach the information differently. Without an invitation, they may simply not want to hear it unless they ask for it.

Listening for the 'Invitation to Present' demands discipline and involves nuances that Consultative Agents must consider. The secret to recognizing this cue is having elephantine ears finely tuned to the other party's words. 🐘👂 Visualizing these enormous ears helps Smart Agents pay closer attention and resist the urge to dominate the dialogue. These supersized ears are attuned to everything, while Smart Agent's gaze remains fixed on the other person they're engaging with.

Most people who share information also expect reciprocal disclosure at some point, guided by the principles of Self-Disclosure & Reciprocity. 🔄 Someone discussing their business anticipates a similar level of disclosure from the other party. Failing to reciprocate can negatively impact and raise suspicions among those sharing information, leaving them wondering why there are no reciprocal disclosures." 🤝🤔

My book is set to be released by IngramSpark on February 28th of this year. It would be a great graduation present for a recent or future college graduate.


So, remember, the "Invitation to Present" is the golden ticket to effective communication! 🌟 #EffectiveCommunication #ActiveListening #CommunicationSkills

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